Purdy Plants

Purdy Plants

Native Plants & Garden Design

Oceola Twp, Michigan

now Collecting organic matter for compost!

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Realistic shadow effect for design

Keep food scraps out of landfills!

  • used coffee grounds
  • uncooked fruit & veg kitchen scraps
  • leaves, grass and yard trimmings

native plants

garden kits

flower bouquets

coming spring 2024

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What are native plants?

  • Native plants include species originating and occurring naturally in an area without human intervention.
  • These plants are well adapted to the climate, ecosystem, and soil in which they can be found naturally. This often means less watering and maintenance for a gardener.
  • Include familiar species such as Purple Coneflowers, Black-eyed Susans, Joe Pye Weed, Shasta Daisies and Milkweed.

Why plant native?

  • No fertilizer or pesticides required, organic options available if desired
  • Deep roots mean less watering and more erosion control
  • Native plants sequester more carbon from the air into the soil
  • Support native wildlife with food and shelter

Get started!

  • Consider your goals:
    • address flooding
    • decrease mowing and/or maintenance
    • support wildlife
    • attract pollinators, butterflies
    • build a beautiful garden celebrating our natural heritage
grainy background texture

Garden Ideas

Butterfly - host plants (milkweed) and beautiful blooms attract swallowtails, monarchs, and more

Shade - fill in shady areas of the yard with elegant foliage and persistent blooms

Birder - offer your feathered friends cover, fruit/seeds, insects and nesting materials

Moon - your senses will enjoy “glowing” foliage, intoxicating floral scents, and beautiful night blooms

Rain - protect our waterways by filtering your stormwater naturally

Hellstrip/Mailbox- beautify that little strip of ground between the street and your sidewalk with shorter, drought-resistant native plants

rain garden: established 2023

Wild Flowers
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Now let’s design the native garden of your dreams! You will love helping your plants grow and thrive while supporting critical wildlife.

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